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Telescopic sliding doors are designed for increasing free entrance in the narrow door ways or in the places where there are the high requirements to the width of the open door. The system works similarly with usual automatic sliding door (automatic door leaves are moving by the rail located on the ceiling, the motor drive unit is installed on the ceiling), however four leaves of automatic door are moveable.
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Such doors move on rails parallel to each other or the two flaps fixed so that in the open position on either side was provided on three-layer folds parallel. Breaking of the door being opened to a larger number of flaps allows twice as frequently widen the passage.

The Variants of doors opening:

1.One side door opening

2.Two sides door opening

“IMTC-Constructie” SRL offers a wide range of telescopic doors in MOLDOVA. Such types of doors – an ideal solution for offices, shops, residential buildings, hotels, hospitals, business and exhibition centers, emergency exits, and other types of buildings.