Doors in emergency exits and escape routes must release easily and immediately. Panic systems help to provide the minimum time waste on emergency doors opening and help to organize its high safety level.
Panic system has to be reliable and safety during the maintenance period and has to provide a fast door opening.
Panic system must fully comply with the requirements in such areas as: state institutions, offices, trade centers, hotels, educational centers, cinemas, concert halls, gyms and so on.
The principle of the “Panic system”:
while pressing the horizontal push bar, which is located at waist level of an adult the special drive quickly turns the lock in the position “open” and opens the door. Pressing the push bar is easy for a child, an old-aged person or handicapped person as well.
“Panic” arm helps instantly to open the door without any key, doesn’t require the special abilities for opening and can be unlocked even with busy hands for some minutes.
Even in the night and/or smokiness conditions simply snug with your body to the door and the door will be opened. The Panic system is very simple and easy in operation.
Through the use of strips "panic" alarm output can be completely locked from the outside, but it is the most convenient for opening from the inside.
This system has also the fire resistant quality. The material for hardware is resistant to a high temperature, what helps to provide an easy opening of a door in a fire and helps to exclude its deformation.
Any sliding doors, including automatic, are not emergency exits from the room. In areas with high fire safety requirements must be an adequate number of outlets. If the entrance, which is integrated sliding automatic doors, emergency exits should be (for example, this is the only way out of the room), there are two possible solutions to this problem:
1. The design of the input group incorporated swing doors.
2. Use the system "antipanic".
Automatic sliding doors with “Panic” system have special construction. Such type of a door has side screens obligatory. The leaves can be sliding (normal mode) and swing (“panic” mode).
Side screens have a possibility to swing outwards (“panic” mode) in normal mode they are closed.
The main function:
- ensuring safe and efficient evacuation of people and property
- reduce the likelihood of human exposure to hazards of fire or other emergency
- providing external security emergency exit in the absence of an emergency
- prevent the occurrence of panic attacks in public places in buildings and premises
“IMTC-Constructie” SRL will give you a wide choice of “Panic” systems in MOLDOVA, depending on your requirements. You will feel safe with us!