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“IMTC-Constructie” SRL takes into account the modern trends in design and projection solutions, and offers a great choice of systems, with the help of which it is possible to perform a qualitative and modern glazing of different buildings, taking into account the customer requirements!
We offer to your attention the latest development in the field of glazing:

SPIDER or PLANAR facade glazing in MOLDOVA

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Spider glass (planar) system glazing – a modern way of glazing facades. “Spider Glass” technology helps to create all-glass architectural constructions. This type of glazing is based on point hitch of translucent elements, which helps to create the completely smooth mirror surfaces with an invisible rack.

spider sistemSpider – is a solid bracket made of high-alloy steel with very good decorative features. With the help of such fixing it is possible to create any different ceiling and façade constructions. The loading, acting on spider, is perceived by it evenly in the whole fixing points due to the “elastic structures” of fixing points. Glass temperature expansion is compensated by point clip. Spiders are fixed to the carrying construction by special fixing elements through the holes (or without holes).

Translucent element. Wide application here has a single tempered glass or multiple glass units made of tempered glass. Spider system glazing technology gives an opportunity for the architects and designers to realize the most interesting and unusual conceptions on façade glazing.

The field of using “SPIDER GLASS” can be different: trade centers glazing, offices, supermarkets, auto shows, banks, winter gardens, glass canopies and roofs and so on..

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“Spider Glass” Facades characterized by a high strength and durability, because:
- glazing is held on sections by tempered single glass or multiple glass units, and in case of reparation, there is a possibility to substitute a defective unit, without disturbing the rest part of the construction;
- metal and glass is used in outdoor construction - the materials which are the most resistant to wear out;
- the joints between glass sections are filled by special sealant, what gives a waterproof, heat resistance and durability to the construction.

The Basic elements of spider glass facade:
• Carrying construction
• hinge pins
• Spider brackets
• Hardness edge
• Glass panels

Spider fixings are made of stainless steel. They can be produced of different types and sizes, and are chosen from the results of technical calculations and architectural solution. Spider Glass System glazing feature is – frameless performance on a whole glazing surface. In Spider Glass Glazing is possible to place the all-glass entrance groups in one construction plane.

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Spider Glass Systems advantages:

• Maximum transparency;
• The possibility of glass joining in many planes simultaneously;
• Weightless, elegant, modern view;
• The minimum quantity of carrying constructions;
• Durability;
• The great resistance to weather conditions;
• Safety glazing;
• Low enough expenses for exterior view supporting;
• While using “spider” fitting, the plane occupied by glass or multiple glass units is very high, and allows using the sun energy at maximum level for lighting and heating of the placement.

The technological development gives the possibility to change a view of an architectural building from bulky to light, transparent constructions.
Spider Glass Glazing relates namely to such technologies, it allows to use glass potential as constructional material on maximum level.
“IMTC-Constructie” SRL has an experience in implementation of Spider systems façade glazing projects and is ready to provide you with its services on creating the modern and creative glazing facade projects.