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The most popular and functional type of automatic doors – Automatic sliding doors.

standart dveri 002

It is difficult to imagine today the supermarket, prestigious office, or hotel without automatic sliding doors on entrances. In most cases the automatic sliding doors are the competent solution for entrance group. The principal element of such type of doors is automatic for sliding door. The main condition in choosing of these doors - availability of certain space, for the movement possibility of movable leaves. The simplicity and reliability of this construction allows taking the leader position among automatic doors.

standart dveri 001The automatic sliding door is used for?
-For closing of big entrances with intensive people’s flow.
-Wide use the automatic sliding doors found in super –and hypermarkets.
-Respect the shop owners to their customers
-Reduction of heat loss and the placement’s climate control.
- The expensive shops and offices style.

The most widely used in the world are standard two leaves sliding doors. Because of its optimal combination of technical parameters, reliability of the construction and its price. “IMTC-Constructie” SRL will offer the whole complex of service of such types of doors.