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Facade Glazing system means large-scale glass application for solution of different architectural tasks – from standard stained-glass window glazing up to glazing of the surfaces with weird forms (pyramids, cones, polyhedrons with sharp angles and so on).
“IMTC-Constructie” offers a special facade glass in MOLDOVA:


Enameled glass (Emalit or Stemalit) – is a toughened (tempered) coloured glass produced by a highly advanced process that uniformly colours one side of the glass. To fuse permanently with the glass surface, the colours are fired at a very high temperature, making the end - product extremely durable.

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The EMALIT production technology consists of the following stages:
1.Cutting and edging the glass;
2.Colour application on the glass;
3.Coloured glass drying;
4.Coloured glass tempering.

EMALIT glass features:
- can be used in the construction of multiple glass unit and in the composition of laminated glass (triplex);
- is a toughened (tempered) safety glass;
- has a very high weathering resistance, abrasion, thermal stability.

Such type of glass may also have a pattern, simulating the natural stone. The coating can be applied as well as on transparent glass and on the other basic glasses – mirror glass, tinted glass.

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Product application:
- This glass can be applied in different spheres, but mainly it is used in construction, interior and exterior design;
- As an exterior and interior walls cladding;
- Facade glazing;
- As partitions;
- Trade equipment production;
- Furniture production;
- The production of all-glass doors.


Stemalit facade glazing is very profitable from aesthetics point of view, because coloured coating creates all-glass façade visibility, and successfully hides carrying elements of a building construction. For ventilated facades cladding, the Emalit is used as precast or single panel.

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“IMTC-Constructie” SRL uses a high-quality material that is why we trust our choice to the world’s Emalite manufacturers such as: “Saint Gobain” SA – France, “AGC” – Belgium.


DIBOND - a sheet material of 2 – 6 mm thickness, consisting of polyethylene base, covered by two preliminary painted aluminium sheets of 0.3 mm thickness. For safe installation and transportation, the surfaces of the sheets are covered by protection film.

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From the moment of invention and up-to-date all the DIBOND panels are produced on the factory “3A Composites SA” (“Alcan Composites Gmbh) on South of Germany in Singen city.

Quality, quality, and again quality – is a slogan of the DIBOND producers.
     The DIBOND panels are covered by special polyester lacquer; this lacquer protects the    surface from sunlight and precipitation impact.

The temperature range in which the panel can be operated - from -50 to +80 degrees Celsius. Filler panel - polyethylene panels have a degree of flammability G4.

Panels do not require a special care – if the panels are used inside of a building it is necessary to wipe it with wet material using the neutral nonabrasive detergent. In outdoor maintains the best care – is washing with water jet. The production made of DIBOND panels is durable and attractive.

kompozit paneli 006ETALBOND Panel – is a composite material, consisting of two aluminum sheets with the thickness of 0,5 mm each and thermoplastic filler, placed between sheets. The front side of the panel is painted by special technology (three layers PVDF) and is covered by protective film.

Etalbond is manufacturing in Greece (by German technology) by the great aluminium concern ELVAL-COLOUR SA., this concern is the leader in Europe in aluminium production. Etalbond corresponds to a high international standard and is exported in 45 world countries, what says about the world recognition of qualitative European material.

This concern produces also the material Etalbond Light. It is a sandwich type aluminium composite panel. The panels are produced using two aluminum sheets of 0.3 mm thickness with a LDPE core, resulting in a total thickness of 2, 3 or 4 mm.  One side is coated with high resistant polyester and protected with transparent film. The other side is coated with primer coating suitable and compatible for further painting operations. This material can be used especially for signboards, outdoor advertising, and also as decorative material for interior cladding.

ELVAL-COLOUR SA produces the unique Etalbond Super Light panels in the world, the thickness of which is 2 mm, in which the lay of aluminium composes 0,12 mm.

Etalbond FR/A2 – fire resistant aluminium panels with inner layer from fire resistant composite material with mineral filling. Etalbond panels FR/A2 fully correspond to the European combustibility standards (A2 and FR).

The Main ETALBOND composite panel’s features:
-the ideal smooth surface;
-good hardness at low specific weight;
-the good atmospheric and temperature resistance;
-simple and fast installation;
-flexibility and creation of voluminous shapes;
-noise protection of a building;
-placement screening from harmful radiation;
-temperature range: ETALBOND can be used at a temperature fro -50 up to + 80 grade Celsius.
-thermo insulation;
-fire resistance;
-electromagnetic protection.

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Curved and multilane surfaces of different colours create a new image of a building and construction. By its external and technical characteristics ETALBOND is the best cladding material, both for interior and exterior cladding; it can be used for reconstruction as well as for new object. The material is solid, light and designed for long-term use. It has very good insulation qualities.

ETALBOND makes the revolutionary changes in exterior view of different buildings and constructions, among of which: offices, trade centers, banks, hotels, exhibition centers, supermarkets, passenger terminals, gas stations, and so on.


Alucobond – a cladding construction material belonging to the category of composite material.  For manufacturing the panels of this material two aluminum sheets with the thickness up to 0,5 mm are used. The polymeric sheet is pressed between them, produced on a base of polyethylene of a low pressure. Thereby the common thickness of Alucobond bar is 3,4 or 6 mm. In standard variant the surface is painted just from one side, other surfaces are delivered on customer’s request (not painted, two side painted, two side anodized, natural stone and others).
The exceptional resistance to atmospheric aging is achieved by using a polymer coating based on PVDF with subsequent heat treatment.

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Alucobond produced in Germany by the large aluminum concern 3A Composites SA., The aluminium production leader in Europe.

There are the following types of Alucobond panels:

  • ALUCOBOND® – fire group G4;
  • Тип plus – fire resistant, fire group G1;
  • Тип A2 – fire group G1, but the fire resistance is higher.

Alucobond panels application:
• Hinged aluminum facades;
• Building reconstruction;
• Trade stands;
• Advertisement;
• Interior design.

“IMTC-Constructie” SRL has a great experience in projection, delivery and installation of hinged ventilated facades.

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Hinged ventilated facades – are the integral part of the modern architecture. It is possible to solve different actual problems with the help of ventilated facades. It helps to simplify the works on reconstruction and construction of a building. Ventilated Facades – are the significant protection from unfavorable climatic conditions, city noise and aggressive environment, what is very important in the conditions of the big cities. The additional advantage, that ventilated facade gives, is the possibility of energy saving, heat saving, and also the possibility of realization of the original architectural solutions.
The separate plus of its application – high rate of installation works. Ventilated facades give a wide range of colour solutions and materials to the customer’s and architect’s choice.
The most known and the most practical material for ventilated facades – is the aluminium composite panel.


Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP) – this is constructional cladding composite material. The panels consist of two preliminary painted aluminium sheets with the thickness up to 0, 5 mm, between of each is pressed polymer sheet. The common bar thickness – from 3 up to 6 mm. Common use – exterior cladding with using of ventilated façade technology. It can be used also for interior washable, endurance cladding in the public places (trade centers, offices, airports, rail way stations, hospitals, restaurants and so on), for advertising constructions and temporary exhibition stands.

“IMTC-Constructie” SRL uses only qualitative, time-tested aluminium composite panels of the world’s manufacturers such as:
ALUCOBOND (3A Composites SA, Germany);
DIBOND (3A Composites SA, Germany)

"Choosing ventilated facades, be sure that the company« IMTC-Constructie »SRL guarantees you prompt delivery of materials, high quality mounting structures and individual look of your building!"