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  • magneo 01
  • magneo 01
  • magneo 01

kompozit paneli 006ETALBOND Panel – is a composite material, consisting of two aluminum sheets with the thickness of 0,5 mm each and thermoplastic filler, placed between sheets. The front side of the panel is painted by special technology (three layers PVDF) and is covered by protective film.

Etalbond is manufacturing in Greece (by German technology) by the great aluminium concern ELVAL-COLOUR SA., this concern is the leader in Europe in aluminium production. Etalbond corresponds to a high international standard and is exported in 45 world countries, what says about the world recognition of qualitative European material.

This concern produces also the material Etalbond Light. It is a sandwich type aluminium composite panel. The panels are produced using two aluminum sheets of 0.3 mm thickness with a LDPE core, resulting in a total thickness of 2, 3 or 4 mm.  One side is coated with high resistant polyester and protected with transparent film. The other side is coated with primer coating suitable and compatible for further painting operations. This material can be used especially for signboards, outdoor advertising, and also as decorative material for interior cladding.

ELVAL-COLOUR SA produces the unique Etalbond Super Light panels in the world, the thickness of which is 2 mm, in which the lay of aluminium composes 0,12 mm.

Etalbond FR/A2 – fire resistant aluminium panels with inner layer from fire resistant composite material with mineral filling. Etalbond panels FR/A2 fully correspond to the European combustibility standards (A2 and FR).

The Main ETALBOND composite panel’s features:
-the ideal smooth surface;
-good hardness at low specific weight;
-the good atmospheric and temperature resistance;
-simple and fast installation;
-flexibility and creation of voluminous shapes;
-noise protection of a building;
-placement screening from harmful radiation;
-temperature range: ETALBOND can be used at a temperature fro -50 up to + 80 grade Celsius.
-thermo insulation;
-fire resistance;
-electromagnetic protection.

kompozit paneli 001

Curved and multilane surfaces of different colours create a new image of a building and construction. By its external and technical characteristics ETALBOND is the best cladding material, both for interior and exterior cladding; it can be used for reconstruction as well as for new object. The material is solid, light and designed for long-term use. It has very good insulation qualities.

ETALBOND makes the revolutionary changes in exterior view of different buildings and constructions, among of which: offices, trade centers, banks, hotels, exhibition centers, supermarkets, passenger terminals, gas stations, and so on.